My Favorite Bands

  • The Beatles
  • Led Zeppelin
  • Guns N' Roses

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

There's a song coming in!!!

There's a song coming in
there's a poem coming in
there's some love coming in
sweet romance coming in I feel
 but as always they get lost in the way
 I sit and weep!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Island and me and we!!

Given an island, a lonely deserted island and me alone there. I have been there in that very lonely
island since I first developed the mechanism of memorising the things. I don't remember anything
before the island in my whole life. I don't know anything any worldly thing apart from the island.

I don't know any languages, the human languages, the civilizations and all sort of other similar things.

All I know is the island, is the island and the island.

What would I think? What would I dream?

Does this make any sense?

I want to be empty, void, and I want to wander off the lands like a wind... with no direction of
my own and no destination of my own. I want to let the direction of the wind be mine and I want
to let the destination of the wind be mine. I just want to roll off the high hills, and swim deep
inside the ocean. I just want to completely destroy me from myself and want to live with the
 rest non-me part. Is that even possible??

Education, that's the greatest lie. Money, that's the greatest tragedy, and fame, that's the greatest

The fact that I am the universe and I have the universe  and I am the stars and I am the sun, the moon,
the plants, the water, the soil, the animals and what not? is totally sufficient for me to live.

I have never dreamed of anything in my life seriously. I never had any childhood dreams or longings
or any desirable accomplishments in my life that I would work on seriously when I got older and wiser and
more capable. I want to understand what my mother, what the nature and ultimately what I want out
of myself. Whenever I come across people who proudly say that they have a certain aim in their
life to become this or that or whatever, I feel like laughing at their approaches towards life.
It can be true that the approaches vary and that the fact that I made a certain approach out
of my intuition could also mean that they made theirs out of their own approaches. This thing
can be discussed ... but for the time being I consider my approach...

Given that island what would I possibly dream of? What would I possibly think of?

Does this validate the point I am trying to make....???

The most important thing in life is we, ourselves... It's WE that live, it's WE that thrive, it's
WE that dream whatever the dreams may be... it's

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Let me share!!

Let me share a teardrop when you cry
and let me share your laughter for a while
I swear I will share mine too..

for all I have learned from travelling the world
either you have to die shedding tears
or burst yourself to death with the stream of laughter
And I choose neither one...

So, will you?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I want to see you!!

When I saw you smile, I thought it was me who smiled
When I saw you sad, I thought it was me who was sad
When I saw you and just saw you,
I thought it had been you that I saw
but I was truly viewing myself in you...

I want to see you one more time
this time
let it  be just you and not me...
I want to see you!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Let me dream myself...

Did you catch the dreams I sent for you?
Did you find the castle I made for you?
Did you enjoy the songs I wrote for you?
let me dream myself
let me build myself
and let me write myself..
was what my heart replied to me...

(Is that Santiago from the alchemist?)

Am I not being me?
Am I not dreaming me?
Am I not writing me?

Oh, it seems I get the point
you are me and I am you....

We are the one...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My idea of freedom..

Freedom to me is a lot more than just freedom. Many of us define freedom  as the
absence of any rules... but the lingering question on this context would
be, "isn't that itself a rule? that you will not abide yourself by any rules?"

freedom is not just freedom, it's the choice of an individual to be not free if he or she desires...
what if you want to follow the guidelines of some particular person or something like that, then does your concept
of freedom prevents you from doing so? If the answer is yes then do you think that is the real freedom that you would aspire for?
certainly no. So, my opinion is that freedom is a sort of a greater concept....

freedom is nothing and at the same time freedom is everything too...
a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment could be, in fact, more free than the liberal citizens of the united states... because freedom is
something that really really depends on the mindset of the person...

so are you free?

free yourself, make rules for yourself, follow someone's ideas, break your own rules and defy others, do everything and absolutely everything
that you would do....

Thursday, September 19, 2013


You be the ocean and I be the wave
You be the wind and I be the breeze
You be the lord and I be the child
You be the tree and I be the bird
I be the bird resting on your branch
I be the bird resting with quiety
contemplating me, contemplating you-contemplating me
and nothing else...
I be the bird